You know how to profit from Microsoft's Windows 10, despite free of charge!

Number of downloads the latest version of Windows 10 more than 270 million, and thus number of active users of this massively multiplayer system, and since it's free, how can the Microsoft Corporation to win it? That's what you'll learn in the topic of the day.
تعرّف كيف تربح شركة ميكروسوفت من ويندوز 10 رغم مجانيته !
You know how to profit from Microsoft's Windows 10, despite free of charge!
Although Windows 10 Free Fsharkp Microsoft verifiable large profits and through sold to manufacturers of computers, then surely that if you have already, and if I bought a new computer and I found him a native and activated the system, and this is mainly due the fact that the company had already been paid for system, the same thing for the companies, including the Windows 10 Free for members only, Fujb on companies to pay for, in addition to the fact that the number of companies in the world is very large and therefore number of devices will be the largest, the thing that is due the gain on the Microsoft Corporation.

This is for manufacturers of computers and other companies, have now been through to another area of ​​no less important than its predecessors and is also investigating the huge numbers of the Microsoft Corporation, should not, and is the area of ​​applications, after the App Store on Windows 8 experience and did not achieve the desired goals, returned Inc. Microsoft's store is filled with features and services the thing that makes them earn profits from it, especially as they get a share of 30% of every sale made within it.

Other clever way to win them, Microsoft is a software, which shows you the range of important programs are free but it is lacking some of the features, and this will be forced to pay for the upgrade.

This was the most important ways in which verification Microsoft's profits from its new free Windows 10, however, and no doubt there are many other ideas to be implemented by Microsoft in order to increase their incomes, especially that she aspires to reach a billion new device works with its system,
You know how to profit from Microsoft's Windows 10, despite free of charge! Unknown on 22:58:00 5

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