5 important features in IOS software, Sttmany if they were present in Android

What is more important? Coca or Pepsi? PlayStation or Xbox? Android or IOS? All these questions humanity divided into two parties for many years. I want to talk about the last question, but from a positive perspective.
Ios's Android and is now mobile operating systems the most important in the world. Although they are competitors, but with the passage of time makes it similar to a large. Although you can now run and implement almost the same functions of both systems, but there are some fundamental differences that make each unique system of its kind .valmnavsh make the two companies to raise the level of each of the operating systems, but there is still room for improvement and a lot of development. Here are four advantages enjoyed by the system and that is the lover of Android availability in his .dona identify them in this post
When Apple announced the iPhone 6 S, one of the features that attracted the most attention was a touch feature 3 Z, a new technology that allows devices to identify the degree of force or weight during the pressure on the screen. Many possibilities for the use of this new feature, for example, offer the possibility of applications in different lists depending on the level of pressure on the screen. True, test some manufacturers of devices operating system Android this technology for several years, but is still far to become the idealism in the iPhone phones.
Transfer all the information from one device to another task is extremely simple in ios system, but Android is not the case, I am talking from the perspective of someone who is not a technical, and who does not know that doing all those steps in order to copy all the data to his computer example. Operating system for Apple can implement full backups every time the user to deliver his phone to your computer and makes backups are arranged regularly in the Alichaelod too. So when your iPhone change issue to another, only a few clicks to make all of your information appears on the new device applications remain exactly the same place. In the case of Android, there are many applications that can perform the same task, but it is not easily available to use in ios.
Within any device IOS system settings you can easily manage the notifications sent by all Almtbuth applications in the device, as you can make it presented in the form of messages or pop-ups, and the order in which you are comfortable or until you stop her from appearing entirely. Unfortunately, the Android notifications must be administered by each application and some of them do not even provide you with this option. Add this feature in the Google operating system will allow the user to control the time of receiving notifications. Perhaps this point will be addressed in the new Alntam of Google Android that.
There is a fundamental difference between android and ios in regards to the App Store, Fjocal tolerate a lot in terms of quality but you will find a lot of useful third-party applications and hideous design in the Google Play store. In contrast, in the Apple Store, all applications undergo a precise examination before publishing.
Yes, downright know this point very well, although that feature Alandroed he is in a lot of phones from different companies, but this is the point that you see a point of strength, it is a weak point from another perspective. You are now available on the phone from a company with a copy of Android Jelly and many advanced copies of Android launched in the market, but it can not be loaded on your machine. In the case of the iPhone it's not that difficult once the renovation or a new version of the system will be. You can update it without problems.

5 important features in IOS software, Sttmany if they were present in Android Unknown on 18:29:00 5

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