The trick to send messages or images on Alwats August disappear after a period set by you!

Sometimes you may want to send messages or images to your friends, but do not want to do to keep it forever. Here we talk about self-destructive messages that disappear after a certain time you specify a password. Of course Alwats August, Facebook Messenger and other similar applications for this feature, except Alsnab chat, of course. So, if you want to send self-destructing messages that are mentioned in the applications, there are a trick you can take advantage of them now.خدعة لارسال رسائل أو صور على الواتس آب تختفي بعد مدة تحددها انت !
This trick is to use a second so-called "Kaboom" application that enables you to send messages and pictures indestructible after a certain period specified by you over, you may be seconds or hours or even days, which application is available for free on the AppStore and Google Play (download links to the bottom of the entry).

All you have to do is download the application and Tetbith on your phone, after you open it you will notice a welcome that explains how to use the application screen appears, you need to do at this stage is to choose a name that is displayed in the messages. If you are using an iPhone, it is also possible to add the keyboard Kaboom for quick access to this feature Add. the keyboard is completely optional. We recommend that you install only if you plan to use the application more than once.

The application can be taken from the vessels of the image or you can select images within the photo album in your phone, you can also enter your message by clicking on the bottom right of the screen icon. After writing the letter or choose the pictures click a button on the transmitter and determine the temporal duration that you want the disappearance of the letter in which the application will show you that you can share the message or image on them, including Alwats August, Facebook Messenger and others.

If broke Alwats August you will see the application interface and can choose the person you want to send them a note.

The application will send a link to the person you have chosen, and can view the photo or read the letter opening the link on the browser, as well as the notice period Almottagbah to destroy the message as shown in the following picture:

The trick to send messages or images on Alwats August disappear after a period set by you! Unknown on 21:36:00 5

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