For these reasons, the Microsoft Corp. acquired the network Linkedin !!

It did not expect a resolution, which Atkhaddtha software giant Microsoft's full Bastkhoazha the largest continuing professional social network Linkedin amount surpassed all expectations and shocked the entire world, especially those interested in the technical domain! Saluting the value of the acquisition of more than $ 26 billion, and is Melg very huge compared to the acquisitions carried out by former Microsoft Corp., in this article we will review and Beware of the reasons the truth that has made this company Taatkhadd this fateful decision and the dangerous acquisition of a competent social network is great in the field of professional communication!
لهذه الأسباب قامت شركة مايكروسوفت بالإستحواذ على شبكة Linkedin
For these reasons, the Microsoft Corp. acquired the network Linkedin

        Vespwok competition and Googleplex in the field of social communication!
Always the big technology companies are trying to break into new areas and compete in, and Microsoft Corp. did not break this rule, Zlnhl fact identified the need to provide their own social network shopping with their products, and other services and at the same time competing with my company Vespwok and Googleplex valuable regards networks social networking, and when I say Googleplex, I mean essentially two networks provided by Google Plus and YouTube, but what you are trying to play Microsoft is frankly difficult to achieve in the short term the fact that they need a longer period to integrate their products on this platform!
        Increased interaction in other products.
Frankly can not be for Microsoft to find the best and most effective social network of more than 430 active member Mattel LinkedIn to increase interaction in other products. This may explain the huge financial value that was allocated for the acquisition of this network, neither I nor anyone else knows the value of this network as much knowledge of the staff at Microsoft Corp. and officials in particular on marketing issues, the fact that the financial value of a company determines the basis of several criteria Jamahiriya, including al-Qaida, and goodwill and other!
        Find a centralized network gathered all Microsoft products.
For as long as they need Microsoft products to Maestro so to speak Willem covered, it is true that Microsoft's products were known as some sort of proportional integration. But the professional social network and professional metal Linked in the piece certainly will not increase unless more success and excellence and integration as well. P Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft Corporation, and since since taking this position for as long as it was always searching for the service enables it to marketing services provided by other products of the company efficiently and professionally!

         Promote professional training process by Lynda platform!
Is a site Lynda of the leading self-learning Professional sites, and professional, and the unique way Tqvemha for courses, and almost everyone knows that this site has LinkedIn company acquired it, therefore, after the acquisition of Microsoft Corporation on LinkedIn, it is natural that the inclusion of this site in held Alastjawad, for the piece Owning such a service by Maakruzov company will enhance the inevitably of the vocational training process in the company and will inject Orabaha was not bad from the piece .. and also Saguethm another vital not a self-learning dimension, which has become a field of discernible in the development of space!

 So this was the most important reasons that have already made a giant company in the field of Microsoft's software acceleration to acquire a social network is one of the oldest social networks in the world. And please I'm here do not play the role of an expert in business affairs and Altsoeqh to write a report about this deal is as much analysis and read the responses that accompanied this huge Alsagafh, we also welcome Pthalilatk and your explanations for this Alsagafh you can put them in their own comments box .. Thank you !!
For these reasons, the Microsoft Corp. acquired the network Linkedin !! Unknown on 19:42:00 5

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