Pictures: Apple put a patented new and innovative phone

Media revealed competent during the last few hours of the new patent for Apple which the company describes the new concept with respect to the new smart Bhoatvha, and it comes to particular phone screen.

The new image, which has spread on the Internet to patent a new invention for Apple returns for the month of April of the year 2015 and reveals a new type of smart phone 360 degrees accurately screen, and is not necessarily mean changing the shape and exterior design of the phone, where the pictures leaked show that the screen turned into a external structure of the phone and all its components inside.

It seems that the new design of the screen the user will give the area a much broader vision than is currently available, in addition to that it is still just about patents, and it is not known whether the company will be adopted quickly or is it scalable through Alsnoatv coming on the horizon of access to final model.

Pictures: Apple put a patented new and innovative phone Unknown on 20:44:00 5

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