Did you know that Android you need to choose a new name for the next version !! Find out how to contribute your suggestion!

Android system is without a doubt one of the most operating systems prevalent among smart phone users regardless of the manufacturers of these recent Basttina course Appel company that relies on the IOS system. No one can deny that this operating system, I mean Android, for as long as Obherna wonderful its capabilities and advantages enjoyed by, for the piece is now need us to help him choose a new name coming from the Nkhsh, Do you want to learn how to participate in choosing this name ?? And the honor of accreditation in the future in the case of Akhiarh of party officials on the development of Hedda system .. This is of course what you will learn about it in a blog post today !!
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So all you have to do to participate in the selection of a new name that will be adopted in the next version of Android, is to go first to this link, or the link you'll find at the end of these circumstances post, there you will find Interface official website on which the receiving suggestions names that reach out the company responsible for the development of the Android system, which of course, be under the supervision of the official royal Googleplex companies for this system,
Then you'll find that the character N exist by default, for the piece you have to keep the name you would like to participate after this character, Metla If you would like to participate in this name Th3pro. Becomes the official name for the next version of the Android system is Nth3pro. Of course, the spectrum after approval and chosen from among millions of suggestions received by officials on the process. But before the choice of name I advise you watch the demo video by clicking on the spectrum WATCH VIDEO box at the bottom of receiving suggestions, after watching this Fayyodio will inevitably increase the chances of your proposal selection of officials in the Android party company.
Now put your proposal and put pressure on Submit. The site allows you to post this proposal on the social networking platforms hills, Vespwok and Twitter and also provided by Google Plus, and signal The sites gives you the freedom to participate in the number of proposals that would like, but of course if you put suggestion of someone else previously cum Vstenbthag you an error message alerting you to this matter ,
Do I will win something when my suggestion will be selected to become the official name of the next Android Nkhsh !!
Of course, the first question Sitbadhir in the mind of Ketaran is the next question, you will win something when participating in this process, especially physically, the answer of course is yes, but not physically, but mentally, imagine with me my friend that the selection of your proposal from among the millions of suggestions around the world, of course, will be a great honor and achievement calculate for you, but Atstgrb if benediction wide reputation after this achievement, and I am I think his proposal to name who will be selected will receive an award from party officials on the Android system provided by Google Inc., the award will be in my personal belief, O either material or will be honorary that your name recorded in the regulations of honor for this company. At the end of it you will not lose anything, because the piece does not have any objection to participate in the process, only to lose a very simple part of your time and will help a great Mattel Inc. Android!
Did you know that Android you need to choose a new name for the next version !! Find out how to contribute your suggestion! Unknown on 16:11:00 5

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