Explanation of the most important jargon location Click Bank (Marketplace)!

AVG Ribil Total Sometimes you may find inside some of the products of so-called upgrades UPgradte and which calls for consumers who purchased the product Alzs Promote him to buy some supplements for him to benefit from it fully, and dearly These promotions are on a monthly basis, and therefore you levies a monthly dividend whenever the customer or the person who brought the piece to buy a product, and these profits remain constant continually renew this client or monthly promoted his participation!

$ AVG / Sale generally Avg is an abbreviation for the word Average, which means the average, which means that $ / Sale Avg Temtl total average would receive from the profit after success in the promotion of a product and sell it completed successfully and without problems and without spam too!
Initial $ / Sale is not much different from its predecessor, but it Temtl essentially the first commission will achieve after the successful sale of the product that shopping him for a customer, and noted that products that are not available on the AVG Ribil Total always what you'll find that the Initial $ / sale is equal to or holds the same value in the AVG $ / Sale. And the owner of the piece original product does not give the commission only once in any Mabieh the first customer for the same. In other words, the piece product does not include any monthly renovations ie it does not contain AVG Ribil Total,

Avg% / Sale are the same AVG $ / Sale Alaonha Mmtlh percentage and means essentially that the piece the amount that you would receive Kmsouk after your success in achieving a sales spectrum product, Imitl a certain percentage of the total amount of the product, Metla if the price of the product that is 100 dollars, and the product in the Click Bank data we have Avg% / sale: 75.0%, after permission to promote this product and achieve Mabieh you will receive US $ 75, which Temtl 75% of the total price of the product. And the owner of the product itself will receive only the remainder of $ 100 or 25 dollars, do not be surprised at the lack of logic in this process, the fact that the product owner knows how to achieve amounts Azafah over the long term from the sale of this product, or be planning or initial goal is to get his clients and construction of a private reputation of its product's future, this is simply the marketing world!

Gravity If we translated into Arabic, we will find it means gravity, this term basically shows how popular the product and the turnout it, and in fact his own equation is one of the most complex equations that does not know solved only Click Bank company itself, mean that even professional Almswoqan do not know what it is for the piece does not tire yourself Balban for what it is, as that term also shows you you Kmsouk potential of the product, the amount of marketers who are marching to the product spectrum. I am here when I say marketers, I mean primarily marketers who actually Tmknu to achieve sales, and the more the value of the large Gravity whenever Del spectrum that the spectrum product upon demand by consumers and at the same time by the fierce competition between marketers and probing from behind big sales, but at the same time, the piece does not mean that a product worth marketing, especially if you are a beginner marketers who do not Astton compete with professionals in the field of marketing commission!

   So this was the explanation of the most important terms you may encounter in the Click Bank site you Kmsouk tyro. And it formed for myself and for a long time Qdol source to find out what it is, but that is determined and you lengthy Bban to explain to her, and frankly site Click Bank of sites that might actually make people rich, and there really is becoming Kmalk, but Atstgrb that I told you that there is an Arab wealth made from behind this site, but the piece inevitably requires a lot of work and effort and time and patience Kmalk, and more importantly, the piece needs to study because the area of ​​marketing commission is primarily a science, because the piece must study it to see Baaah, I conclude my article for the day with this question .. really what you lack you also to check the physical freedom of the internet and of the marketing commission, in particular, is patience or belief or potential workers fearful or desire or what exactly ??
Explanation of the most important jargon location Click Bank (Marketplace)! Unknown on 01:29:00 5

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