Mark Zuckerberg hits as the date for its fans at this date

مارك زوكربيرغ يضرب موعدا لمتابعيه في هذا التاريخ
As usual, the founder and CEO of social networking site Facebook, "Mark Zuckerberg" attaches great importance to communicate with users, and at the time he was periodically held effectiveness "Question / Answer" in a number of public places it for the first time will do so direct.

Mark Zuckerberg pointed out yesterday on his account on Facebook that for the first time will activate the effectiveness of the "Question / Answer" directly on Facebook by "Facbook Live", and the feature will be the occasion for the first man reacts in the field of social networking with its fans and users of its networks , where he will answer their questions in this regard.
و قد حدد مارك زوكربيرغ لفعاليته الافتراضية المباشرة تاريخ 14  من شهر يونيو الجاري على الساعة 19.30 بالتوقيت العالمي الموحد "جرينتش".

Mark Zuckerberg hits as the date for its fans at this date Unknown on 18:20:00 5

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