Official: Microsoft acquires on Linked In exchange for a huge sum

رسميا: مايكروسوفت تستحوذ على لينكد إن مقابل مبلغ ضخم
Microsoft announced a few moments ago and formally announced the acquisition of the professional social networking site "LinkedIn / LinkedIn" in exchange for a huge sum of money estimated at $ 26.2 billion.

And the new acquisition is considered the third largest acquisition in the history of the technology sector, and it seems that Microsoft is intending behind this process of being strongly present in social networking sites across the market LinkedIn gate of the competition, especially for pioneering in this area site "Facebook"

And includes a professional social networking site LinkedIn more than 430 million active user using the site in order to communicate with employers, professionals and publish their resumes for those interested, and despite the acquisition process, LinkedIn will maintain its structure and its brand in addition to the CEO, "Jeff Weiner. "

And it is expected to be the ratification of the acquisition process formally during the current year.
Official: Microsoft acquires on Linked In exchange for a huge sum Unknown on 01:24:00 5

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