Microsoft pursued by Google and Apple

It is clear that the smart car technology has become a self-driving entice a number of major digital companies in the world in the recent period, and after both Google and Apple, it seems that Microsoft is going to the same approach, but in its own way.
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Media competent indicated that "Peggy Johnson" official at Microsoft, in charge of strategic partnerships in the company revealed Microsoft's strategy in the field of smart cars self-driving and that look different from what was done by Apple and especially Google, which has already begun testing the new invented some time ago.

Peggy Johnson pointed out that Microsoft is considering the production of a self smart car of their own leadership directly, but the company has been cooperating with automobile manufacturers to produce intelligent models equipped with the latest technologies that Microsoft has reached especially with regard to leadership with software or storage cloud.
Microsoft pursued by Google and Apple Unknown on 17:23:00 5

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