Learn the most powerful laptop in the world-class may not believe it!

Kmhos technology of technology and know very well how the computer specifications in its infancy, early this electronic equipment was a large room size and consumes a similar capacity to consume a few hundred personal computers today. But now the situation is changing a lot and n computers have evolved very quickly to become the specifications were only recently, as the dream of every morbid Yes evolution not only includes the speed and efficiency and even the overall design. So let's learn about the most powerful laptops in the world.
Computer we are talking about is the "GX700" of the leaders in the field of laptops Asus, this new device is not only the most powerful laptop in the world, but is also the first mobile device that comes a water cooling system in the world :)
Computer course is intended for games, working a water cooling system to run the most powerful games that require powerful specifications. However gallery heat and capable of providing a very excellent performance on the clock.
The machine is a different design something from the other computers, if comes with a piece beyond the radiator responsible for water cooling process, the latter consisting of fans and pumps help in cold water flow of the process towards the device and directed him hot.
Other specifications of the device are as follows:
Core i7-6820HK intel processor
DDR4 RAM of the type and capacity of 64 GB memory
Screen GTX 980 Graphics memory 8 GB
It supports 4K
Learn the most powerful laptop in the world-class may not believe it! Unknown on 22:29:00 5

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