Facebook declares war in the Philippines and apologize!

فيسبوك تعلن الحرب في الفلبين و تعتذر !
Raised new incident in the Philippines Asian state on the social networking site during the past two days, a lot of controversy, as the third party in which the intended site Facebook signed caused the declaration of a state of war in the country on the pages of the wrong location.

And celebrates the state Philippines formal independence every year on the date of June 12, and it is the day of last Sunday, and the habit of social networking site Facebook in offering congratulations to users depending on their nationality in national rituals, it is keen as well that does the same thing with its users Filipinos and done Using special congratulation.

However, the science published by Facebook on this occasion as users monitor and media competent and including The Verge slightly different from the Philippine flag, as the heart of the colors of the flag change the real sense, is what did not notice his Facebook to congratulate the people of the Philippines, including the presence of red over blue means that the country is at war.

And he sinned Facebook has attracted a lot of irony in the social networking sites among Filipinos users and quoted by the media on a large scale, before they interfere Facebook through its office in the Philippines through a press release and make an apology to users of Filipinos for this Kti unintentional and that the site only wanted to shared the joy of independence Day.
Facebook declares war in the Philippines and apologize! Unknown on 20:58:00 5

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