This is the new strategy on Facebook users view content

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There is no doubt that a lot of users in the social Facebook networking site becoming hard in the final period to follow their friends accounts on the site, especially with the large number of published content, which may not always be important to the user and is prompting the company to take a new strategy in this regard.

Social Facebook networking site announced through the official statement on the new changes in Juzimaitha relating to the classification of content on the home page to the user, and thus the latter will be seen on the home page of the site content published by close friends, in come other content in second place in terms of importance.

The company pointed to this in the official statement, "Our priority is to help you stay connected with the people and places and things that actually you love, the beginning of his closest friends, and for this purpose we announce today a change in the content published the order on the home page in order to ensure that Tvoatk any of fRIENDS publications. "
This is the new strategy on Facebook users view content Unknown on 22:44:00 5

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