Facebook makes its first live broadcast from space

 Facebook makes its first live broadcast from space
In previous is the first of its kind in the history of the company the social networking site Facebook to conduct the first live broadcast from outer space, where the executive director and founder of the site, "Mark Zuckerberg" connect three of the astronauts in the International Space Station via the "Facebook live" service.
بالفيديو: فيسبوك تقوم بأول بث مباشر من الفضاء

The event, which took place on Wednesday evening in partnership with the US space agency, "NASA / NASA" was suitable for Mark Zuckerberg to promote the site but allowed as well as the opportunity to question the three astronauts "Tim Kopra," "Jeff Williams" and "Tim Beck," about the mission of space in addition to offering users who watched the live broadcast, which lasted nearly 20 minutes questions.

And was the US space agency NASA has adopted in earlier times on Microsoft's "Skype" program, as well as Google's "Google Software + Hangout" to connect Bruaha on the International Space Station, but the first time the new Facebook service Atsammelt "Facebook live".
Facebook makes its first live broadcast from space Unknown on 17:20:00 5

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