How do you send a message to all your friends on Facebook push of a single button and without exposure to lower your problems!

Sometimes we need a reason to send a specific message to all friends on Facebook or at least to a large number of them, it is true that you are able to do this by hand but it is definitely the piece will take you to a lot of time and effort, and even if I managed to do the piece and did not respect the time-lapse between sending each message and other administration Facebook inevitably will shape the order and will consider what you've done spamming, but in a post today will share with you a wonderful and smart way for you to send a specific message to all your friends on Facebook or to all the friends that you Stakhtaarham yourself, the spectrum a push of a button and without the fear of spectrum considered spam, all this we will do, drawing on one of the distinctive Alazafat at Google. com browser!
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Azaqh today came under the name Facebook Auto Send Messages, which origin had to add really worth the trouble of experience and installation to your browser Googleplex Krouom, saluting let you write a specific message and send it to all your friends on Facebook or choose specific reach them this message people, and this property explicitly lacking in the private messaging system Pfispock and I expect to be the future development of this system to allow users to send a specific message to all the friends who are with you in the network Vespwok.
All you need to do to enjoy the features offered by these Alazafh that is downloaded through this link or the link you'll find at the end of this post, was then just installed on your browser provided by Google Chrome (I do not know if you're a prima This Alazafh supports other browsers or not), and after her inauguration will appear you directly Alazafh icon at the top of your browser, then clicking on it, and start to choose friends who would like to send them a message, or you can simply select all by placing a tick on the first box (as shown in the picture), then press the send Messages, Onmalk will pop you frame, then put the letter in the first column and other fields can be left empty, and then as the last step choose a time that will separate between each message and the other is advisable to choose more time so that the process is done without problems, and in the last click on Send. To begin sending Alazafh To transfer it to your friends in ordinal order Allatinih characters, the end of the transmission is completed successfully then go to To transfer icon in your account on Facebook after yourself and will make sure of the efficacy of this Alazafh!

   So this way you will be able to send a single message or group of messages to a number determined from your friends on Facebook, the spectrum without making the slightest effort, and a very sound way so do not expose your account on Facebook to attend or any other problems, and frankly I would like to apologize to all my friends on Facebook that you test this topic Alazafh them and I wish I could not I have caused them discomfort, but the piece that I advise you to review a previous article did not pass them a great time touched them to explain the other wonderful origin had to add enables you to publishing in all Jerobac on Facebook at once and also invite all your friends on Facebook impressive to your own Loyalty other features enjoyed by these Alazafh !!
You can download Alazafh and installed on your browser through this link!

How do you send a message to all your friends on Facebook push of a single button and without exposure to lower your problems! Unknown on 16:03:00 5

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