NEW: detection of the latest developments in the issue of the prohibition of VoIP and this Court's decision

جديد: الكشف عن آخر تطورات قضية حظر VoIP و هذا قرار المحكمة
After months of National Agency's decision to legalize communications ANRT in Morocco Contact Service ban on cross-used applications to the protocol VoIP, and after a lot of Alhz and attractions, entered the case a new turn may be crucial this time and after the recent decision of the judiciary in this regard.

Only the website of the Moroccan "day 24", the administrative court in the city of Jeddah on Wednesday decided to postpone decisive in the case filed by a citizen of the town of Volcano called "Munir Hatr" calling for the abolition of the decision made by the National Agency for the legalization of communications ban telephony services protocol VoIP.

And the judge in charge has been issued in this case his decision to postpone the final disposition where until day 20 next July, and in order to refer the file on the royal commissioner to make findings with respect to submissions made by the parties before giving a final decision on this issue that preoccupied many Moroccans during the year ongoing.

ANRT and was the judge's decision to ban VoIP service has sparked a lot of controversy in the recent period, where the vast majority of opinions condemning the decision.
NEW: detection of the latest developments in the issue of the prohibition of VoIP and this Court's decision Unknown on 21:06:00 5

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