Google launches a new update to its application, "Google Map" Google Earth "

جوجل تطلق تحديثا جديدا لتطبيقيها "جوجل مابس" و "جوجل إرث"
Company "Google" announced the beginning of this week the launch of a new update to Ttabiqiha Maps "Google Maps / Google Maps" and "Google Earth / Google Earth" gives users a better experience and photos clearer.
And Google was formerly dependent on the coming of the American satellite "Landsat 7" of images of US space agency, "NASA / Nasa", which was launched in the year 1999 and gives Google special Earth images from space, starting from the year 2003, but the images that provided it becomes obsolete due to the outdated technology used, and what Google is pushing for the adoption of the satellite Landsat 8 which is one of the new generation, which provides images much clearer than the previous Ttabiqiha on Google Maps and Google Earth.
Google launches a new update to its application, "Google Map" Google Earth " Unknown on 22:40:00 5

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