What this has done the British contingent in the Google search engine, to become famous on Twitter this week!

Simple purely on Google makes a British woman aged 86 years become popular on Twitter this week, after the publication of her grandson image for the way it uses the search on Google. Apparently believes that there is Grandma real people in their search giant to address each command or discuss the status of the site and return the results manually.ما الذي قامت به هذه الجدة البريطانية في محرك البحت جوجل ، لتصبح شهيرة على تويتر هذا الاسبوع !

"Please translate these numbers Romania mcmxcviii, thank you," I wrote the grandmother in a purely engine Google. Has happened to her grandson discovered this page in the browser grandmother by Kto.bdot this story when he went to her home to wash clothes, because he did not have a washing machine in his apartment, and decided to use a laptop computer, which dates back to his grandmother waited while washing is finished. When I opened the browser, I soon realized this page (pictured below).

Tweet this from young adult of 25 years, named Ben, John, was suspended and widespread with more than 30,000 Retweet and 42,000 impress even Alan.onzera for its success has Google UK branch responded politely in his account on Twitter answers that the question Grandma "cherished between, we hope you to be okay . among the billions of searches, search Ntbasm.oalentijh is made in 1998. thanks to you. "
What this has done the British contingent in the Google search engine, to become famous on Twitter this week! Unknown on 03:00:00 5

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