Image: Facebook announces a new feature on its website

بالصورة: فيسبوك تعلن عن ميزة جديدة على موقعها
In the framework of its plan to improve the experience of using its social networking company Facebook has announced the addition of a new feature to its location, and this feature is concerned with the comments on the publications where he became finally users can use the videos to comment on publications.

And after it became since users can for add pictures or animated images for their comments on the networking site Alajtai the Facebook announced yesterday for further improvements, which indicated that it was users can comment on publications through videos and is something which was previously required add links a competent sites as YouTube.
The new feature actually began to be applied through a new update for the site, and will be available in the comments on whether friends or leaflets as well as publications of pages and groups, and others.
Image: Facebook announces a new feature on its website Unknown on 18:36:00 5

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