Facebook want to force users to use the application Moments

فيسبوك تريد إجبار المستخدمين على استعمال تطبيق Moments
It seems that social Facebook communication and location after being forced all users to use application messaging instant messenger after it was voluntary command in the former wants to do the same thing with its application syncing for photos "Moments", where he will not be back there is no option to users only download this Application.

And was Facebook launched before the period of application of Moments For users of iPhone phones and is an application that allows the deployment of sync photos directly from their smartphones, but it has launched in the last period to send messages to users telling them the need to download the application Moments Otherwise, all sync their photos will be deleted from the site.

According to the Facebook message phone users iOS system will be in front of them until Day 7 of the next month of July in order to download and apply Moments otherwise they will lose their pictures on its social networking site where automatically will be deleted after the cessation of "synchronization feature images."
Facebook want to force users to use the application Moments Unknown on 02:00:00 5

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