Apple accused of copying chanting Chinese!

بالصورة: آبل متهمة بنسخ هاتفين صينيين !   
After that we were accustomed to hearing the stories of Chinese counterfeit copies of Apple's "iPhone phones" It seems that this time things turned, where the Chinese authorities accused the company of copying her iPhone Chinese phones.

According to the newspaper "The Wall Street Journal," the Chinese Intellectual Property Office in the Chinese capital Beijing has accused Apple to copy and steal the design of Chinese Hanf carries the name "Baili 100C" and applied to Hatveeha Apfon 6 and iPhone 6 Plus and who measured a significant success in the Republic of China popular.

Although it may seem strange by the fact that phone Baili 100C is known in the international markets with the exception of China, the most serious is that the decision by the Chinese authorities might hand shall prevent telephone sales of Apple Apfon 6 and iPhone 6 Plus in China may come back on the company's large losses, especially the Chinese market is the largest in the world.

And it is not this is the first problem facing Apple in China, where the US company lost days of exclusive rights to sign Altharih iPhone in the country before.
Apple accused of copying chanting Chinese! Unknown on 19:40:00 5

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