Why I’m cancelling my PlayStation VR pre-order (for now)

PlayStation Vr

OPINION With the spectre of the PlayStation Neo hanging over the new PlayStation VR platform, Sony’s tactics leave a lot to be desired. PS4 owner and US-reporter Chris Smith explains why he’s out, for now.
There are a lot of ways to interpret the word ‘ready.’ It can mean prepared, it can mean anticipant or excited, and, in the very British colloquial sense, a derivative can be used to describe fresh cash.
Back in February, Sony claimed the then 36 million (now 40m) PS4 owners were “ready for PlayStation VR.” With the VR revolution gathering steam, this was undoubtedly an amazing incentive, a rallying call against the demands for those high-end “Rift-ready” PCs few folks already own.
With the promise of the PS4 console occupying pride of place in my living room running a high-level virtual reality experience, I was ready. And, with such an agreeable price point compared to rivals, I made a leap of faith and splashed my readies on an unproven medium.
For PS4 owners, it seemed like a no-brainer.
Or so we thought. But, right now, I have a growing suspicion we aren’t perhaps as ready… as in prepared … as Sony led us to believe.
Thanks to recent reports and speculation, I feel there’s sufficient doubt about the current PS4’s ability to deliver future VR content for me to cancel the PlayStation VR pre-order I oh-so-excitedly made two months ago.
Why I’m cancelling my PlayStation VR pre-order (for now) Unknown on 16:25:00 5

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