New patent reveals an innovative design of Samsung phone

بالصورة: براءة اختراع جديدة تكشف تصميم هاتف سامسونغ مبتكر

Revealed specialized sites for a new patent for the South Korean company Samsung, a patent that was disclosed recently re-again to mind the possibility of the company's launch of the new phone retractable flexible screen.

And was a lot of news has been circulating for a long time for the determination of Samsung to provide a new phone over the next year in 2017, and a number of images of patents in this regard have emerged, however, that the new patent that has been disclosed in the past few hours is the most obvious and are dating back to November of last year 2015.

According to sources, the new phone Rollaway from Samsung will be the first in the models, "Galaxy X / Galaxy X phones," and folding feature will enable to benefit from the reduction of the surface of the phone space, but access to the home screen will require always re-open the phone, especially when placed in shipping , and it is what many people might consider impractical.
New patent reveals an innovative design of Samsung phone Unknown on 20:17:00 5

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