Google News

After a long legal war between "Guogl" and "Oracle" lasted since 2012, today Guogl achieve a real victory over the "Oracle" and win them a legal right in the case of innovation and the use of the Java language.

The court awarded judgment to allow Guogl using the Java language in Android system in the project, saying that the arguments Guogl express company and fixed, as they closed the case without "Oracle" to grant any compensation the latter has demanded it.

In a CEO Guogl remarks, Mr. "Eric Schmidt - Eric Schmidt" The Court may Guogl owns the right to use the Java language is legal, because it has served as Chief Executive Officer of the company, "San Microsystems" that invented the Java language in 1995, and the company Oracle bought the right to ownership thereafter.

In a response of "Oracle," the company says it is not satisfied with the court's decision and would appeal the decision.
Google News Unknown on 21:29:00 5

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