Why date 7/29 is important for any Windows user 7 or 8.1?

As Microsoft is trying hard to deploy its new Windows 10 in any way, it was the first strategy is to make it free to all who wish to move him from the old systems like Windows XP, 7,8, and others. The second was to send notices are annoying to users in order to Anhm to upgrade to this new system.

It seems that the third strategy began this week, as Microsoft said last decided to chance as a free update for Windows 10 will be the 29th of July next month. This warning is stated in the official and prompt her blog mainly for all the old versions users of Windows .vama did not update in before that date This means that you will pay financial compensation to upgrade to Windows 10.

Windows 10 is now Mtbut in more than 300 million devices around the world, but even so still and Windows 7 the most widely used operating system on a large scale for desktop computers in Alm.almlaen people will lose the chance free update, because many did not want to do it and move on to Windows 10 because of the fear of the new privacy policy applied by Microsoft in this new system.

In contrast, Microsoft confirms that Windows 10 is a secure version of Windows where another system. However, it is estimated that 48% at least of all desktop and laptop computers in the world after running for Windows 10 back again to Windows 7, or 8.1.

Why date 7/29 is important for any Windows user 7 or 8.1? Unknown on 20:36:00 5

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