Reports on a new feature in the iPhone's new phone ( ios)

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Although the iPhone 7 new no longer separate us from the revelations only months a few, but the media competent focused during the recent period phone iPhone which will be released in the next year, 2017, which may carry the name iPhone 8, and in this regard revealed new media reports about some of the features this phone.

And at the time known it since for iPhone phones metal its structure of aluminum, it seems that Apple wants to return again to the glass structures and that was the last phone benefit is a phone iPhone 4, the information spread on the specialized media in the past days and finally found confirmed.

As quoted by press sources for "Allen Horng" CEO "Catcher Technology" Taiwanese competent in Apple's mobile infrastructure industry model iPhone, the new phones that will be issued in 2017 will be equipped with a glass structure, and is something which will cause high cost of the phone by this Administrator.

In the meantime, Apple did not comment on this subject, which seems premature at the moment.
Reports on a new feature in the iPhone's new phone ( ios) Unknown on 20:15:00 5

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