The discovery of malicious software threatens Mac computers

اكتشاف برمجية خبيثة تهدد حواسيب الماك  Security company "Bitdefender" revealed recently discovered the malicious software is mainly targeted at computers from Apple Mac model, and enables the back-gate hackers to control the user's computer remotely.

According to security company Bitdefender, the new malicious software bearing the name "Backdoor.MAC.Elanor" and built-in applications and a counterfeit bearing the name "Easy Doc Converter" and as soon as is evidenced by the creation of malicious software "back door / Backdoor."

And Bitdefender company indicate that the rear of origin on a computer Mac door can hackers then and remotely from a computer user to control either by download or delete or create files, as well as the possibility of camera control your computer in order to take pictures and videos of the user without his knowledge and that Using "wacaw" tool and is what is very dangerous for the user.
The discovery of malicious software threatens Mac computers Unknown on 18:43:00 5

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