After smartphones Google is preparing a surprise two new

بعد الهواتف الذكية جوجل تحضر مفاجأة جهازين جديدين
It seems that Google is bent on more expansion in the field of smart handheld devices, after reports indicated that the American company is working to develop and manufacture two phones smart guys seem that the company will not just stand at this point, where recent press reports indicated that Google will be launching two hours Zchetin soon.

According to a specialist "Android Police" site, Google is preparing to launch two hours Zchetin Cetkonan the first two hours of their manufacture, and Cetkonan often flashed "Nexus" special phones Google's smart, and in addition to that, they will work running Android Wear 2.0 and Assistant Technology Profile Intelligent Google Assistant system .

The same sources which it adopted the Android Police website in its monitoring of this new information indicated that smart first hour will be charged code name "Anglerfish" and will be round in shape diameter of 43 millimeters, plus they will be integrated sensor for the heartbeat and sensor GPS positioning also come as well as the advantage of contact LTE, on the other hand, the smart second time will be called "Swordfish" and will be less than the first at the level of technical possibilities which will not be available on the features found in the first hour, and will be a diameter of 42 millimeters.

And the site did not mention the expected date for the launch of Google's new Jhazaha.
After smartphones Google is preparing a surprise two new Unknown on 18:41:00 5

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